I usually don't do posts this long, but there was so much to cover here I just couldn't pass anything up. Now, if you've seen more than one of my wedding posts, I usually state how "great and easy going" the bride are groom were. It's true, I've had the good fortune of always having great clients to work with... I don't just say that to be nice. Steve and Catherine were no exception... in fact, they were probably the most easy going bride and groom I have ever met! To prove it, just see the "Jack Daniels Ring Shot" and "Leaf Pile" pictures below. They were married at the Advent Lutheran Church in Maple Grove, followed by a fabulous reception at the Sheraton Minneapolis West in Minnetonka.
Image by Matt Sepeta
Image by Matt Sepeta
Image by Matt Sepeta
Above is the classic, old school, traditional wedding ring / flower shot. But below is the much more popular (and way funnier) version.
Image by Matt Sepeta
Image by Matt Sepeta
Playing around with these elevators was a BLAST!
Thanks for your patience in making it all the way to the bottom of this post. I hope you enjoyed it!