Amy & Jason - HITCHED

What a fantastic couple to work with! As you can tell by the shots, there was a lot of laughter that day (with some tears mixed in, here and there). The Saint Paul College Club provided a lovely back drop for both the ceremony and reception. The sun even managed to poke its head out during the ceremony. It was a perfect day. The band Orange Rip kept the festivities going late into the night.
Special thanks to Glenda Conner for second shooting that day, she helped make this post much larger than it usually is.

Image courtesy of Glenda Conner

Image courtesy of Glenda Conner

Image courtesy of Glenda Conner

Image courtesy of Glenda Conner

Image courtesy of Glenda Conner

Image courtesy of Glenda Conner

Image courtesy of Glenda Conner

Image courtesy of Glenda Conner

Image courtesy of Glenda Conner