We went a few hours north last weekend in search of some pictures, some fish and a good time. Fortunately we got all three. The weather wasn't the best for the pictures that I had in mind (think latest J. Crew catalog... sunny fashion shots on a dock), but I did come away with at least one keeper. That would be the shot right below... my son fishing off the dock in this foggy, misty weather (on fathers day). Something about this image speaks to me, it could be the fact that he is still wearing his pajamas, or the bright yellow life jacket (I tried it in black and white, and it just wasn't the same without the yellow), or maybe the quiet peacefulness of it. Whatever it is, I like it.
This massive snapping turtle (yes, it was a snapping turtle), greeted us on the lawn when we first arrived.
This cabin (not the one we stayed in) is roughly 100 years old. I just loved the setting, sitting dwarfed amongst these huge pine trees.