Karl & Karen - Happily Ever After

Karl and Karen were married last weekend, on a slightly rainy Saturday. They had a lovely ceremony at the Jehovah Lutheran Church in St Paul. Followed by a fun reception aboard the Jonathan Padelford river boat. Fortunately the rain stopped after the ceremony just long enough for us to get a few shots at "the gate" in Como Park, and again after the boat ride so we could get this shot.... my favorite of the year so far!

Karen and Karl where a real pleasure to work with, very easy going and considerate. Incidentally, this was the first wedding that I implemented my new camera set up (after a few weeks of testing), and WOW, what a difference.

Mom and daughter heading back to the limo.

They gave sailor hats to all the kiddies on boat... ah-hoy
The odds of this flower/ring shot working out, where about 1 in 10,000. We are standing on a boat, my awesome assistant (Joanne) is holding the bouquet with one hand, and I'm using a manual focus lens. But miraculously, it worked. Our other option was getting a shot of them wedged in the anchor rope (which would have been wicked), but that was voted to be WAY to risky.
Life preserver, sticking with the boat theme.
There's the anchor rope in the background.